EEG prep supplies

The “Nuts & Bolts” of How to Do an EEG

A helpful reminder guide for experienced techs or an excellent resource for beginners, this article explores the process of an EEG for technologists.
ambulatory eeg monitoring

Ambulatory EEG Monitoring at Home

Not all EEG technologists have experience working inside a patient's home. This guide was created by experienced techs who hope to pass on a trick or two regarding ambulatory EEG monitoring.
eeg for child with autism
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EEG for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

EEGs can be stressful for some patients with autism. We hope to inform technologists so they can give the best patient care available to any patient.
eeg artifacts check

How to Reduce EEG Artifacts during a Home Study

A home is not built like an EMU. There can be a lot of electrical interference. Reduce the appearance of EEG artifacts by taking these crucial steps.